If you are interested in butterflies, beetles, dragonflies or any other insects,Amazon Insects is an alternative
for your vacation and an aid in your research. We can drive you into insect's paradise "The Amazon Basin" where millions of
different species live. We offer a wide variety of packages; butterflying tours, collecting trips, expedition and customized
packages, always visiting superb insect locations. Our goal is always to assure the best
to entomologists, students, wildlife photographers and nature lovers wishing to visit The Amazon Basin, especially Andes versant. We also understand that
more and more travelers and researchers want to build their own itineraries according to their group and special interest.
This is the reason why we are flexible in creating and providing customized packages We provide the expertise,
experience and logistics, at the local, national and international level, to be your in-country agent and to provide the professional
assistance you may need in any situation. We furnish guides, vehicles, boats and tour itineraries for a day, a week,
a month or more, for one person or a large group. Amazon Insects will be arranged in order to obtain permissions
for those that would like to collect specimens, allowed only in specific collecting trips and expeditions. Look
at our collecting policy. When you travel to a foreign country you expect a trip without troubles and
this is best achieved by using the services of Amazon Insects. Manuel Miranda